Source code for BigDFT.Interop.PSI4Interop

This module contains some wrappers for using PSI4 to perform calculations.
from BigDFT.Calculators import Runner
from futile.Utils import write as safe_print

[docs]def bigdft_to_psi4(sysA, sysB=None, chargeA=0, multiplicityA=None, chargeB=0, multiplicityB=None): """ Create a PSI4 dimer molecule which can be used for SAPT. If multiple molecules are specified, we create a Dimer system. Args: sysA (BigDFT.Systems.System): the first molecule. sysB (BigDFT.Systems.System): the second molecule (optional). chargeA (int): the charge of the first molecule. chargeB (int): the charge of the second molecule. multiplicityA (int): the multiplicity for unpaired electrons. multiplicityB (int): the multiplicity for unpaired electrons. Returns: (psi4.core.Molecule): the psi4 geometry. """ from BigDFT.IO import write_xyz from psi4 import geometry # py2 workaround from sys import version_info if version_info[0] < 3: from io import BytesIO as StringIO else: try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO # Figure out the multiplicity if not specified if multiplicityA is None: nel = 0 for frag in sysA.values(): nel += sum([x.atomic_number for x in frag]) nel += chargeA if nel % 2 != 0: multiplicityA = 2 else: multiplicityA = 1 pass if sysB is not None and multiplicityB is None: nel = 0 for frag in sysB.values(): nel += sum([x.atomic_number for x in frag]) nel += chargeB if nel % 2 != 0: multiplicityB = 2 else: multiplicityB = 1 # Create the right string representations strA = StringIO() write_xyz(sysA, strA) xyzA = str(chargeA) + " " + str(multiplicityA) + "\n" xyzA += "\n".join(strA.getvalue().split("\n")[2:]) if sysB is not None: strB = StringIO() write_xyz(sysB, strB) xyzB = str(chargeB) + " " + str(multiplicityB) + "\n" xyzB += "\n".join(strB.getvalue().split("\n")[2:]) if sysB is None: return geometry("\n"+xyzA+"\nunits angstrom\n") else: return geometry("\n"+xyzA+"--\n"+xyzB+"units angstrom\n")
[docs]class PSI4Calculator(Runner): """ Perform a calculation on a given system using the PSI4 code. Note that if you intend to use an SAPT method, you need to pass a system which is composed of exactly two fragments. PSI4 has a number of different actions, ab initio methods, and basis sets. Be sure to specify each of these to the run command. """ import os def __init__(self, omp=os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '1'), skip=False, verbose=True): # Use the initialization from the Runner class (so all options inside # __global_options) self.mol = None Runner.__init__(self, omp=str(omp), dry_run=False, skip=skip, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def pre_processing(self): """ Process local run dictionary to create the input directory and identify the command to be passed Returns: :py:class:`dict`: dictionary containing the command to be passed to :meth:`process_run` """ from psi4 import set_options, energy, optimize, frequency from psi4.core import set_output_file from BigDFT.Systems import System from os.path import join # Check Arguments try: self.sys = self.run_options["sys"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("sys= must be provided as an argument") try: action = self.run_options["action"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("You must specify a valid action=(energy," " optimize, frequency") try: method = self.run_options["method"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("You must specify an ab initio method=") try: basis = self.run_options["basis"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("You must specify a basis=") chargeA = self.run_options.get("chargeA", 0) chargeB = self.run_options.get("chargeB", 0) multiplicityA = self.run_options.get("multiplicityA", None) multiplicityB = self.run_options.get("multiplicityB", None) # Run directory self._ensure_run_directory() # Check skip if self.run_options["skip"]: try: log = PSI4Logfile(self.sys, self._get_logname(True), action, method) return {"command": None} except ValueError: # invalid logfile, so we can't skip. pass except IOError: # no logfile, so we can't skip. pass # Convert system if "sapt" in method: keys = list(self.sys) if len(keys) != 2: raise ValueError("For SAPT method, your system must be" " composed of exactly two fragments.") sysA = System() sysA[keys[0]] = self.sys[keys[0]] sysB = System() sysB[keys[1]] = self.sys[keys[1]] mol = bigdft_to_psi4(sysA=sysA, sysB=sysB, chargeA=chargeA, chargeB=chargeB, multiplicityA=multiplicityA, multiplicityB=multiplicityB) else: mol = bigdft_to_psi4(sysA=self.sys, chargeA=chargeA, multiplicityA=multiplicityA) # Set extra options. if "psi4_options" in self.run_options: set_options(self.run_options["psi4_options"]) set_output_file(self._get_logname(True), False) # Instead of a command, we return a closure. if action == "energy": def cmd(method, mol): energy(method, molecule=mol) elif action == "optimize": def cmd(method, mol): optimize(method, molecule=mol) elif action == "frequency": def cmd(method, mol): frequency(method, molecule=mol) return {"command": cmd(join(method, basis), mol)}
[docs] def process_run(self, command): """ Run the psi4 command. """ from os import environ, system # Set the number of omp threads only if the variable is not present # in the environment if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' not in environ: environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = self.run_options['omp'] if self.run_options['verbose']: if self.run_dir != '.': safe_print('Run directory', self.run_dir) # Run the command if command is not None: command() return {'logname': self._get_logname(True)}
[docs] def post_processing(self, logname, command): """ Post processing the calculation. Returns: (BigDFT.Interop.PSI4Interop.PSI4Logfile): a representation of the logfile. """ try: return PSI4Logfile(self.sys, fname=logname, action=self.run_options["action"], method=self.run_options["method"]) except IOError: raise ValueError("The logfile (", logname, ") does not exist.")
def _ensure_run_directory(self): from futile.Utils import ensure_dir run_dir = self.run_options.get('run_dir', '.') # Create the run_dir if not exist if ensure_dir(run_dir) and self.run_options['verbose']: safe_print("Create the sub-directory '%s'" % run_dir) self.run_dir = run_dir def _get_logname(self, full): from os.path import join name = self.run_options.get("name", "sapt") + ".log" if full: run_dir = self.run_options.get('run_dir', '.') return join(run_dir, name) else: return name
[docs]class PSI4Logfile(dict): """ A logfile wrapper for an SAPT calculation. This logfile inherits from a dictionary, as the properties we get out of a calculation depend on the type of calculation performed. Args: fname (str): the name of the file to process. action (str): the action that was used when running SAPT (energy, optimize, frequency). method (str): the scf method used. """ def __init__(self, sys, fname, action, method): dict.__init__({}) self["energy"] = {} self.sys = sys # The logfile, broken up into a list of lines. self.log = self._log_to_str(fname) if "sapt" in method: self._extract_sapt_energies(method) elif "energy" in action: self._extract_total_energy() elif "optimize" in action: self._extract_optimization_energies() self._extract_optimization_geometries() def _log_to_str(self, fname): with open(fname) as ifile: lstr = "".join([x for x in ifile]) return lstr.split("\n") def _look_for(self, goal): for offset, line in enumerate(self.log): if goal in line: break if offset > len(self.log): raise ValueError("Couldn't find property in logfile: ", goal) return offset def _extract_optimization_energies(self): self["max force"] = [] self["energy"]["optimize"] = [] offset = self._look_for("==> Optimization Summary <==") for line in self.log[offset+6:]: if "---" in line: break split = line.split() self["max force"].append(float(split[3])) self["energy"]["optimize"].append(float(split[1])) self["energy"]["total"] = self["energy"]["optimize"][-1] def _extract_optimization_geometries(self): from BigDFT.Systems import System from BigDFT.Fragments import RotoTranslation from copy import deepcopy # Read out the posinps posinps = [] geomcount = 0 for i in range(len(self.log)): line = self.log[i] if "==> Geometry <==" in line: # It is printed twice, once for scf and one for gradient. geomcount += 1 if geomcount % 2 == 0: continue # Extract geom = {"positions": [], "units": "angstroem"} j = 9 while(True): split = self.log[i + j].split() if len(split) == 0: break atom = {split[0].title(): [float(x) for x in split[1:4]]} geom["positions"].append(atom) j += 1 posinps.append(geom) # Convert the posinps into first class system objects. self["positions"] = [] for pos in posinps: self["positions"].append(deepcopy(self.sys)) self["positions"][-1].update_positions_from_dict(pos) # PSI4 does rototranslations of the geometry, so we need to undo it. rt = {} for fragid in self.sys: rt[fragid] = RotoTranslation(self["positions"][0][fragid], self.sys[fragid]) for osys in self["positions"]: for fragid in self.sys: osys[fragid] = rt[fragid].dot(osys[fragid]) def _extract_total_energy(self): for line in self.log: if "Total Energy =" in line: self["energy"]["total"] = float(line.split()[-1]) if "total" not in self["energy"]: raise ValueError("Could you find total energy in log file.") def _extract_sapt_energies(self, method): def _check_vals(): if any([x not in vals for x in ["total", "exchange", "induction", "dispersion", "electrostatics"]]): raise ValueError("Could not find sapt energies in log file") # Get main computation vals = {} offset = self._look_for("SAPT Results") for line in self.log[offset:]: if "Electrostatics" in line: vals["electrostatics"] = float(line.split()[1]) / 1000.0 elif "Exchange" in line: vals["exchange"] = float(line.split()[1]) / 1000.0 elif "Induction" in line: vals["induction"] = float(line.split()[1]) / 1000.0 elif "Dispersion" in line: vals["dispersion"] = float(line.split()[1]) / 1000.0 elif "Total" in line: vals["total"] = float(line.split()[2]) / 1000.0 break _check_vals() self["energy"][method] = vals
[docs]def _example(): """Example of using PSI4 interoperability""" from BigDFT.IO import XYZReader from BigDFT.Systems import System from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment from os.path import join from copy import deepcopy # Create a system. reader = XYZReader(join("Database", "XYZs", "")) fsys = System() fsys["FRA:1"] = Fragment(xyzfile=reader) fsys["FRA:2"] = deepcopy(fsys["FRA:1"]) fsys["FRA:2"].translate([-2, 0, 0]) # Create a calculator. code = PSI4Calculator() log =, action="energy", basis="jun-cc-pvdz", psi4_options={"scf_type": "direct"}, method="scf", name="test") print(log) # The raw logfile is also available. print(log.log[4]) # Geometry optimization. log =, action="optimize", basis="jun-cc-pvdz", method="scf", name="test-opt") print(log) # SAPT log =, action="energy", basis="jun-cc-pvdz", method="sapt0", name="test-sapt") print(log)
if __name__ == "__main__": _example()